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【公視 誰來晚餐13-35】女兒妳是古代穿越來的嗎?漢服女孩與離婚爸媽的安全距離| Guess Who: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time(Eng Sub)
誰來晚餐 GuessWho

【公視 誰來晚餐13-35】女兒妳是古代穿越來的嗎?漢服女孩與離婚爸媽的安全距離| Guess Who: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time(Eng Sub)

「漢服女孩與離婚兩次的爸媽,一直保持著安全距離。」​ ​ ➤ 子沐熱愛漢服。除了參加同好聚會,她也會把漢服當成日常衣著,穿出門上班買東西。​ ​➤ 柏樺和靜婷是子沐的爸媽,他們結了兩次婚,也離了兩次婚,對象都是同一個,而且一直住在一起。​到了吃飯時間,媽媽靜婷不和家人同桌,她盛好飯菜自己回房。​ ​ 和全家人關係最好的,就是家裡的小傢伙——狗狗Lulu。​ ​ ​ ➤ 生活裡的每一天,子沐和爸媽跟一般人一樣,走出家門各自努力。但當他們三人走進家門,卻像是各自住在不同的星球,彼此有著遙遠的安全距離​。 ​ ➤ 哪位嘉賓前來,能把他們聚在一起,聊聊彼此的心事呢?​ ​ ​ 🥦🥦🥕🥦🥦🥕🥦🥦🥕​ ​ 🏠公視 誰來晚餐 【女兒妳是古代穿越來的嗎?】​ ​ ◾️ 6/24(五)21:00|公視​ ◾️ 誰來晚餐YouTube、facebook同步直播​ ◾️ 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣 A member of the prestigious Mensa club and a lover of flamboyant Han Chinese fashion, 25-year-old legal assistant Scarlett Wu is one of a kind and always stands out in the crowd. Scarlett's parents, Ting and Jack, are unique in another way - they have married and divorced the same person twice and still live together! Today, we meet the family as they start afresh in a new apartment, trying to remain a family while living with their differences. If you are what you wear, what does Scarlett's choice of outlandish traditional Chinese Hanfu say about her? Is it possible to live harmoniously under the same roof as your ex, or are fisticuffs and fireworks inevitable? Scarlett, Ting, and Jack are like planets orbiting different trajectories - what furry force seems to hold them together? #漢服 #古裝 #離婚 #家人 #夫妻 #親子
活動紀錄 | 中華生醫&Metagenics - Prisma Health Care and Metagenics from 2008~2017 Lifestyle Medicine Summit

活動紀錄 | 中華生醫&Metagenics - Prisma Health Care and Metagenics from 2008~2017 Lifestyle Medicine Summit

Official website: Blog: FB: Host:中華生醫&Metagenics Video by: Chen Chieh-Wei – Photography / 陳介偉攝影有限公司 Music:The Fathers - Heart 2008, Nov.15th Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and Arthritis SPEAKER: Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB 2009, Sep.19th The Stress Pandemic SPEAKER: Lyra Heller, MA 2010, Oct.9th SPEAKER: Successful Aging Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB 2011, Aug.27th - 28th Immunity and Inflammation Advances SPEAKER: Jack Kornberg, MD, FACS Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS 2012, Nov.3rd - 4th Metabolic Detoxification / Cardiovascular and GI Health SPEAKER: Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS 2013, Aug.24th - 25th Cancer and Cardiometabolic Diseases SPEAKER: Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB Scott Rigden, MD 2014, Oct.8th - 19th Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Approach SPEAKER: John P. Troup, PhD Robert G. Martindale, MD, PhD Bridget R. Briggs, MD 2015, Aug. 29th - 30th Restoring and Maintaining Healthy-aging Trajectories SPEAKER: Dr. Jeffrey Morrison Dr. Osama Hamdy Dr. John Troup 2016, Aug. 28th - 29th Inflammation and Pain Management SPEAKER: Dr. Jeffrey S. Bland Dr. Bridget R. Briggs 2017, Sep. 9th – 10th From Gut to Brain SPEAKER: Robert G. Martindale, MD, PhD Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS © 2018 Chen Chieh-Wei Photography
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